Month: April 2015

Presentation Board

Finally our proposal and presentation are coming to an end. On the 9th of April, we are going to present our final ideas on an organised presentation board and we will also submit our final proposal.

In this presentation board, we are supposed to put our sketches, ideas and the final design that we came up to solve our given problem which was “safety for elders in the bathroom”.

So here are some pictures of our process making the presentation board:


Rough layout for our presentation board

Through out the whole semester, we’ve been working hard to  come up with the best solution we can think of for our elders. Through the ups and downs, disagreements and confusions, we finally managed to work together as a team. Working with my teammates, Farhaan and Seravina have taught me a lot. With our background similarities and differences we share lots of thoughts and point of view on our given problem. Although there were times where we argue about certain solution, we managed to overcome our differences and collectively come with a great bathroom design.