Brainstorming Design Solutions

For the past term, we’ve been interviewing, surveying and researching all of the problems that are faced by elders in the bathroom. With our goal to make a better bathroom for elders, we are approaching to finding possible design solutions that can be used to make a safer bathroom for elders.


Through the result of both our survey and interview, we managed to narrow down some of the major difficulties that are faced by elders these days on using the bathroom. With the common answers and common difficulties such as wet floor, high tub walls, toilet seat’s height, we are trying to improve the bathroom safety with creative and different way.

First thing first, with the most common problem in the bathroom, which is when bathroom floor gets wet easily, especially after shower, we are thinking of putting a floor dryer that is not common to avoid major injury that often happen at the older age due to slipping. The idea of the floor dryer is that it can detect that when the floor is wet, then it can blow-dries the floor until it dries with the help of advanced technology of sensor.

We are also thinking of changing normal bathtub into a walk-in bathtub. In which, there’s a door on the bathtub wall, so that elders don’t have to a huge step to get into the tub, instead, they can just open the door and walk in to the bathtub. This idea will be very affective for elders who have balance difficulties as well for those who have leg problems.

These are some possible solutions that will be included in the bathroom design solutions. With the new accessories such as floor-dryer and walk-in bathtub, everything will be easier and safer for the elders. This ideas and solutions that we are using on improving the bathroom safety may not be final yet, but we pretty much get the rough idea on designing a better bathroom for the elders.

With more research and discussions, we are planning to present a safer bathroom floor plan as well as explaining on some bathroom accessories that is really helpful and efficient on keeping the elders safe.


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