Interview and Survey

It’s been a while since I updated my blog update my blog like week ago. So now we’re back in school, after a nice Chinese New Year break. During the Chinese New Year break, me and all my group members went back to our hometown. Through this we’ve given a chance to meet our elders, our grandparents and our old relatives. By this opportunity, we closely did some personal interviews and asked our elders about their feelings and opinion on the bathroom’s current design. Though I haven’t had the chance to meet and discuss the result with my fellow group members, I would like to share one of the interview I did with my paternal grandmother.


So I interviewed my grandmother, she’s 83 years old living with her grand daughter and daughter in a two-floor house with one maid. She told me some difficulties that she faced when she go to the bathroom, like the bathroom floor that tends to be slippery after she finished shower. She also told me that she has slipped and fell once due to the slippery floor, and this caused her a real injury on her buttocks and waist. Although,  she is well and has recovered from her injury, she admitted that she has became more careful when it comes to the wet floor. She also admitted that other elements like lighting, storage, shower handle, soap, etc. don’t really cause her any difficulties.

Through this interview I can relate more to the elders and  I can understand better about why they sometimes feel that bathroom can be so unsafe. Other than several interviews I did with my elders, I also asked some of the senior shop-keepers, senior cleaners, senior security guards in my apartment building. Looking at some of their survey answers, it is starting to be clearer that the big problem really relies on the slippery bathroom floor and toilet seat itself.

All of the findings I have found so far have not been discussed with other member in my group, however, the result I  have found this far give me a clearer picture on how to make a safer bathroom for elders.

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