Month: October 2014

Forced Connection Continued

In this activity, we are supposed to find two objects then compare it.  We should also combine it to make a new object, then the result of the combination has to enhance the functionality of the object. We were given two particular topics.
The first topic is about natural object versus the man-made objet. So my partner, Nuvia ( and I decided to choose animal’s horn for the natural object and hanger for the manmade object. After we chose the two objects, we are supposed to illustrate two ideas on how to combine these objects. The first illustration, illustrated by me, is the accessories or key hanger. While the second illustration, illustrated by Nuvia is the coat hanger. This natural element enhance the attractiveness of the hanger as an object. Other than that, when there’s no coat or accessories hanging, the animal horn can also serve as wall decoration (even though it sounds creepy, some people collect these things and do use it for decoration).
The first illustration (by me) – Key / accessories hanger from animal horn
The second illustration (by Nuvia) – Coat hanger from animal horn
These two can be very practical, because when there are no accessories or coat hanging, it can be a cool wall decoration.
The second topic is about soft object and hard object. Then we decided to use lipstick for the soft object and ring for the hard object. Through these objects, Nuvia and I came up with cool and useful illustration. The first illustration, illustrated by me, is a lipstick but it’s also useful for ring-holder. The second illustration, illustrated by Nuvia, is a ring-lipstick, where the rick has a lipstick beneath it and very useful for women these days. These two illustrations, came very handy and neat for women.
The first illustration (by me) – Ring holder from lipstick
The second illustration (by Nuvia) – Ring Lipstick
These two are very handy and useful for women, it is also simple and easy to carry.
This is our sketches when we discuss both topics.
During the process of finding the objects, it was pretty tricky. Nuvia and I even asked our lecturer several times whether we did the right thing or not. After 3 trials, we finally found the right objects and managed to get the illustration done. In my opinion, this activity is really interesting and make us think so much. 😀