Firefly Inspires LED Efficiency Boost

In this modern world, lighting is what keeps up productive at night, it allows us to do lots of activities and see at night. Thomas Alva Edison may have invented lightbulb centuries ago, but it was not as bright and as efficient in terms energy saving to lightbulb or LED lights these days.

Looking at the twinkling fireflies, scientists tried to increase light-emitting diode (LED) light extraction but using less energy. The scientists identified an unexpected pattern of jagged scales in fireflies that enhanced the its’ glow, and applied that knowledge to LED design to create an LED over-layer that mimicked the natural structure. Furthermore, scientists gathered all of the information on fireflies and making the human-made LED better.
So this is a pairing research assignment, and my group mate is Nuvia (
Personally, this research assignment allow me to find lots of interesting news. Other than this improved LED from firefly, I actually found some other interesting improvements too, like Gecko glue etc. However this piece of information is actually the most interesting. I think it’s really amazing, how a small firefly can shine brighter than the LED light, therefore it’s really cool that scientists finally found the idea on improving our man-made LED.
For more scientific information, take a look at this website:

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