Finding the Broken Rules

So after the brainstorm presentation, we were told to move into a new group. This group is rather different than the previous group, because before, everyone in our group came from different departments. But this time, all of classmates who are in the same departments are in the same group. And so there were six people from 3D design (my department). Four of us are majoring in interior design and exhibition; one of us is majoring in object and jewellery; and one of us is majoring in landscape and architecture. Then the lecturer grouped all of the interior design major in one group, and the rest in one group. However, I was eventually moved to the other group.

The assignment was to list out about “what we typically assume” in each major. This was hard because I was not in my own major. However I was given the choice to use the interior design’s idea or to stay. Then I decided to stay. Not to worry, it was a pleasure working with people from different major, because it gave me chance to learn a little bit about their major. So we listed the materials often used for object and jewelry design, what we typically assume about building, its design and landscape, then last but not least we listed where in our body we often wear jewelry.

So this is what we came up with

photo 1

Then from that three category, each of us can pick one category and we have to find things that are not typical from every category. Basically we need to find the things that are breaking the rules from each categories. So my teammates, Tzi Quan (architecture major), chose to do the building category, while Felica (object and jewelry major), chose to do jewelry, and I was left with what material used for object design.

photo 2

This is the typical material used for object and jewellery design. The star represents that the material is typically used for both object and jewellery design, but (o) represents that the material is typically used for object design only.

It was quite challenging for me, since I know nothing about object design. But I asked my teammate, Felicia, to explain to me what she objects she usually designs. Then she explained that things like water bottle, lunchbox, clock, plates, etc. are things that are usually designed in object design. After I got the idea of object design, I started to research about unique materials used for object design. Lots of materials I found are typical, like plastic, wood, glass, metal, and other common materials. But then came across to my mind, using used or recycled materials are very unique and new. Then I researched about it and found lots of interesting objects made from used materials. Some examples are:

–       Using CD spindle for donuts or sandwich case. Unlike the normal lunchbox, using this recycle material such as CD spindle is unique and new. We may never think that a CD spindle that is use to store stack of CD can also be used like lunchbox, to keep our snack like donuts and sandwich there.


–       Using piano case as bookshelf. This is another novel idea to make use of used piano for bookshelf. As we all know, piano is a musical instrument. But we never thought that used piano or broken piano could also be useful but bookcase. Not only it gives artistic sense but also it shows how recycled materials are also useful for other things.


–       Using a cup box or package to store clothespin. This last example is actually an example that I used myself. So I used the box of the cup that I just bought, and utilise it to store the clothespin. Turned out the cup box really came handy and useful.



Without realizing, used or recycled materials are very functional. In fact, most of us use recycled materials for creative purposes almost everyday without knowing it.

Lastly, feel free to check out my teammates’ blogs.

Tzi Quan’s blog:

Felicia’s blog:


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